It’s very easy to get bogged down in day to day challenges but a good leader keeps site of the long term goals for the organization. As founding director I wish to lay a very strong and impenetrable foundation. Even if I never see even one building built I know that the legal framework I put in place such as articles, memorandum, bylaws, licensing, land trust, code of conduct, as well as roads, secure fencing and gate (for a property we don’t even have yet LOL), wells, solar farm, wind turbines etc will be crucial to the long term viability of the vision of SOZO Foundation Belize which is to empower men to become Godly leaders, able and willing to marry and protect and provide for the women in their lives and communities.

SOZO Penny University is our educational arm and will be a faith based, intentional, off-grid school and community and also offer bible college and other alternative training such as earthbag construction, solar farm development, water collection and purification, food security projects, permaculture, aquaculture, welding, plumbing, maintenance, auto mechanics, homesteading skills etc.

Today I finished the bylaws for SOZO Penny University.

SOZO Foundation Belize is already registered and legal NGO and partly operational (just waiting on bank account for two years now). SOZO Penny University will be a registered school and will offer first rights to purchase land to those that graduate from our programs.

Frankly all of this seems quite silly as I sit in my 200sf room trying to recover from losing everything from Hurricane Lisa and still owning no land and being in year 7 of my 2 year plan but I am not giving up.

You can see an update about Hurricane Recovery here. It has been an emotional and tumultuous process.

While you are at it check out our FB Page for SOZO Foundation Belize here.

and also check out our partner school for bible college.

So, if today all I managed to do was update my bylaws for something that might take 20 more years to build that is okay. I will be thankful that for now my brain still works and that I am very very focused on laying an impenetrable and strong foundation. I figure by the end of this I will basically be a lawyer as I have done all the legal writing myself and I am very proud of that.

That said, I covet your prayers… a lot and I could use all the support you are willing to give.

Blessings from Gretchen and Cali in Hopkins Belize.
As a reminder I am disabled and appreciate written communication via whats app at +501-672-0547 or